
Exterior Finishes in Residential Construction: What You Should Know

  Exterior wall finishes are a great way to infuse style and personality into your home’s façade. Different materials, colors, and textures can be employed to create visually appealing exteriors that instantly enhance the curb appeal of your home—but that’s not all. The exterior finishing material protects your home from harsh external elements such as rain and wind. Furthermore, it bolsters your home’s insulation R-value  and prevents unwanted transfer of heat. This keeps your home warm in the winter and cool during the hot summer months, helping shrink electricity bills. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common types of exterior finishes. 1. Stucco Stucco is a fine plaster that’s used to prevent molding. During application, it is quite wet and can be easily re-shaped to provide various textures and artistic effects on walls and ceilings. Contractors can add paint to the wet mixture or apply a fresh coat once the stucco layer has dried over the walls. 2. Paint Exterior pain

What Goes into Accurate Construction Cost Estimation?

A construction project is a collaborative task. From the on-site workers, to civil engineers and architects as well as the owners and financers — the small details are what make up this herculean activity. However, even with all of these complexities, cost estimation and material takeoffs are essential. Without a budgeted estimation, you may find that your project is quickly being derailed with extra costs. That will cause your profit margin to fall, which is something nobody wants. Here are some recommendations for getting a final cost estimate that’s accurate. Updated and Comprehensive Software Construction cost estimation software  is essentially designed for estimators or contractors to create an accurate prediction of the total costs for any given project. This also includes material requirements such as lumber takeoff  or structural steel estimating .   Software can be material specific, task oriented or comprehensively created for complete calculations and reporting. Reliability

Why Quantity Takeoffs Are More Than Mere Calculations

Takeoff—or quantity takeoff , as you might have heard—is a critical component of the estimation process. While some may argue that this is no more than mere calculations, these quantities play a major role in the fate of your project—and, more importantly, in the fate of your bid. Hence, it becomes essential that you know the different types and quantities of materials needed before you bid for the project or start a construction job. Accurate cost estimation  includes not only materials but also labor expenditures for the construction or installation of said materials. For individuals new to the business, cost estimation services  can help bidders gain clarity and determine whether the project they’re choosing will be profitable. While many people believe that construction cost estimation  is simply calculations and quantities, we’re here to break this notion. Here’s what an experienced construction estimation company  will consider to ensure the right quantity takeoff. 1. Detailing J