Why Quantity Takeoffs Are More Than Mere Calculations

Takeoff—or quantity takeoff, as you might have heard—is a critical component of the estimation process. While some may argue that this is no more than mere calculations, these quantities play a major role in the fate of your project—and, more importantly, in the fate of your bid.

Hence, it becomes essential that you know the different types and quantities of materials needed before you bid for the project or start a construction job. Accurate cost estimation includes not only materials but also labor expenditures for the construction or installation of said materials.

For individuals new to the business, cost estimation services can help bidders gain clarity and determine whether the project they’re choosing will be profitable. While many people believe that construction cost estimation is simply calculations and quantities, we’re here to break this notion.

Here’s what an experienced construction estimation company will consider to ensure the right quantity takeoff.

1. Detailing

Just like a detailed construction plan reduces delays and ensures proper execution at the site, a comprehensive quantity takeoff reduces uncertainty and prevents costly errors.

A vague takeoff will confuse the contractor and may result in higher construction costs. As a result, it’s important to outline the details clearly in the takeoff so you can minimize mistakes and win bids.

2. Accuracy

The accuracy of an estimate is determined by how closely the forecast matches the final price outcome of the project. A low estimate can lead to loss of potential earnings, while a high estimate might cause you to lose your client. Hence, it becomes crucial that you present a takeoff that matches the final numbers.

3. Inflation

Although a precise quantity takeoff will improve your estimate, there are still several external factors that you need to take into account. When it comes to larger projects that span over several years, you need to keep certain elements in mind, including shifts in market prices of materials, overhead costs, supply chain unpredictability, and numerous other expenses.

Hire a Reliable Construction Estimation Company

Quantity takeoff is a significant part of the bidding process and involves a lot more than just calculations. If you’re looking for a reliable construction estimation company, reach out to the experts at Remote Estimation.

With over ten years of experience in the industry, the cost estimation firm offers high-quality cost estimation services to clients in over 20 states. Their comprehensive list of offerings includes residential projects estimating services, drywall estimating services, sitework estimating services, and more.

For further details, call (630) 999-6501 or request a quote online.


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